Analyze your results

A high level summary of the features offered by our Analyze page.

Advanced filters

Analyze your data directly within the Centiment Survey Tool. You can segment your data by response choices, completion status (completes, partial, disqualified, over-quota), collector, variable, tag, start date, end date, response ID, duration, device, or operating system.

Reporting summaries

You can share your charting with anyone using a reporting summary link. Note that if you employ any filters, they will be applied to your reporting summary.

Want to ensure your results are kept private? Add a password to grant access to your reporting summary.


Need to segment your data? Tagging is a simple but effective way to organize your responses into different categories you can then filter by.

Export options

You can export survey data to CSV, Excel, or SPSS. Filter particular responses to export or share them via a reporting summary to share the full charting.