Setup & Submission Guide | SurveyMonkey

We'll cover the minimum setup requirements: passing custom variables (respondent IDs) and adding your redirect completion URL



Step 1: Passing Custom Variables

When we send a respondent to your survey URL, we tag on embedded data that helps us identify the respondent when they are redirected back to Centiment at the end of your survey.

  • Click on the Design Survey Tab
  • In the left sidebar, click Logic
  • Click Custom Variables > New Custom Variable
  • Add the following variable name (no label necessary):
    • aid 



Step 2: Completion URL

Set up a Centiment redirect URL at the end of your survey. This ensures that only participants who complete your study will be compensated by passing the variable data listed above back to Centiment.

  • Go to the Collect Responses section of your survey
  • Select Get Web Link




  • Scroll down the page to Survey End Page
  • Select On, show a custom end page upon survey completion
  • Paste the completion URL provided in your survey submission instructions




Step 3: Need to disqualify respondents?

You'll need to send disqualified respondents to a specific URL to avoid being charged for them. Reference this article.

Step 4: Send a copy of your survey to ""



  1. Toggle “New Homepage” to the left.  (Top right corner of Homepage.)
  2. Go to the My Surveys page.
  3. Click the three dots (...) to the right of the survey you want to copy.
  4. Click Send a copy.
  5. Enter the username of the account you want to send the copy of your survey to.
  6. Click Send.