Setup & Submission Guide | Typeform

We'll cover the minimum setup requirements: passing custom variables (respondent IDs) and adding your redirect completion URL.

Step 1: Creating Your Typeform

  • After you’ve created your account using this link, you can start building your survey. Click ‘New Typeform’ to get started.


  • You can either use one of the provided templates or start from scratch.
  • Enter a name for your survey when prompted, then press continue. You can ignore the additional fields as they won’t impact your survey.


Step 2: Passing Custom Variables

  • When we send a respondent to your survey URL, we tag on embedded data that helps us identify the respondent when they are redirected back to Centiment at the end of your survey.
  • To add custom variables to your Typeform, start in the Create tab. 
  • Click the black ‘+ Add New Question’ button at the bottom left of the screen.


  • A field will appear at the top of the screen. Type in aid and then ',' to save the variable.


Step 3: Completion URL

  • Set up a Centiment redirect URL at the end of your survey. This step ensures that only participants who complete your study will be compensated by passing the variable data listed above back to Centiment. 
  • First, click on the black ‘+ Add New Question’ button at the bottom of your Typeform. Under ‘Choose a question type’, select ‘Thank You Screen.’
  • Add in your first Thank You Screen. 
  • Toggle the button to the ‘on’ position so that it matches the image below. Type in ‘submit’. 


  • Toggle the ‘button link’ button to match the picture below.

    Screen Shot 2020-11-04 at 2.59.03 PM

  • Paste the completion URL provided in your survey submission instructions
  • Write a short ‘thank you’ message for respondents who have completed your survey and urge them to press the ‘submit’ button.

Step 4: Need to disqualify respondents?

  • You'll need to send disqualified respondents to a specific URL to avoid being charged for them. Reference this article.
Step 5: Request a shared workspace

You can build your first ten questions in your Typeform after which point, you’ll need to request a shared workspace.

Once your project manager sets up your shared workspace, you can continue building your survey. After all of your survey questions have been programmed into the tool, please click the button below to let us know that your survey is ready for review.